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http://www.100md.com 2005年2月26日

    李翔 苏俊峰1 武国城2 罗新民3 许庆元3 李诗伟3 余杰3

    (710032 西安,第四军医大学航空航天医学系;1100076 北京,空军后勤部卫生防疫队;2100036 北京,空军航空医学研究所;3430072 空军桂林疗养院东湖分院)

    【摘要】 目的 探讨吸烟对飞行员认知能力的影响,为提高飞行员飞行能力提供依据。 方法 采用纸笔测验及人机对话的方式检测92名歼击机飞行员的比较刻度值(CSS)、判别方向(DD)、找特殊图形(DSG)、记忆计算数字广度(NSMA)、四数连加(FADA)、双重任务(DT)6项认知作业成绩,采用调查表的形式收集信息。 结果 烟龄对双重任务有显著影响,测前吸烟对四数连加有显著影响。飞行员双重作业能力在烟龄达20年后明显下降,飞行员速算能力随测前吸烟时间缩短而降低。 结论 本研究结果提示有关戒烟的健康教育与宣传将有助于增进歼击机飞行员的健康和技能,即将飞行前吸烟应被控制。

    【关键词】 认知能力; 吸烟; 航空航天心理学

    【中图分类号】 R853

    Influence of smoking on cognitive ability in fighter pilots LI Xiang*, SU Jun-feng, WU Guo-cheng, et al. *Department of Aerospace Psychology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate influence of smoking on cognitive ability in fighter pilots, so as to provide basis for measures improving flight performance. Methods Ninety two fighter pilots served as subjects. Cognitive abilities including comparing simulated scales (CSS), distinguishing direction (DD), distinguishing special graph (DSG), numerical span memorized and added (NSMA), four Arabic digits addition (FADA) and dual task (DT) were measured by means of paper and pencil test and mancomputer dialogue. Information on smoking factors were collected by questionnaire. Results Pilots' dual performance was significantly decreased after smoking years reached 20 years, pilots' quick calculation ability was decreased with the shortening of smoking time before measurement. Conclusions It is suggested that health education and propaganda on swearing off smoking should be enhanced in fighter pilots, and smoking just before flight should be controlled.

    【Key words】 Cognitive ability; Smoking; Aerospace psychology, 百拇医药