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    摘 要:目的:观察湿润烧伤膏MEBO油纱治疗指端坏死的治疗效果。方法:用自制MEBO油纱予指端坏死创面换药。结果:60例病人创面均愈合,除2例因残端骨感染行坏死骨咬除外,其余58例均比原坏死部位增长3mm~5mm,比常规截指增长10mm以上,残指功能明显改善。结论:MEBO油纱对指端坏死治疗效果良好。


    分类号:R634;R765. 21 文献标识码:B


    60 Cases of Finger Tip Necrosis Cured by MEBO Gauze

    Li Gang-sheng(Hospital of Nanchang Steel and Iron Co., Ltd. Nanchang, Jiangxi Province 330012)

    Abstract:Objective: To investigate the efficacy of MEBO gauze in treating finger tip necrosis. Method: MEBO gauze was applied to the wound and dressing was changed timely. Result: All the 60 patients were cured, Except for 2 cases with stump bone infected resulted in progressive necrosis. 58 cases after wound healing the finger was 3 to 5 mm longer than original and was 10 mm longer than conventional amputated finger. The function of the stump finger was obviously improved. Conclusion: MEBO gauze has very good efficacy in treating finger tip necrosis.

    Keywords:MEBO gauze; Finger tip necrosis; Treatment

    作者简介:李钢生( 1962-),男 (汉族 ),江西于都人,赣南医学院毕业,医院副院长,主治医师 .

    作者单位:李钢生(南昌钢铁有限责任公司医院江西南昌 330012)


    [1]曲云英等,MEBO抗感染机理实验研究.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1996,8( 1) 19.

    [2]中国中西医结合学会烧伤专业委员会.中国烧伤皮肤再生医学成就发布稿.中国烧伤创疡杂志,2000( 3): 12.

    [3]龙剑虹.MEBO治疗烧伤肉芽创面的临床观察.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1994( 3): 22.
