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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学研究杂志》 2004年第9期
     Sun Zhongnan,Li Liang,Zhu Dan

    Stomatological Department of Nangang Hospital of Provincial Hospital,HeilongJiang150001.

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the pulp response of4pulpal capping agents in direct pulp capping.Methods 80big-white-rat molar teeth of20rats were used.With4different pulp capping agents,including inˉodoveoil pasty,CI.pasty,Ca(OH) 2 pasty,Vitapex pasty.With the microscope the change of the pulp tissue can be seen,and dentin bridge formation in4,8weeks.Results At the same time,the pulp response to different pulp capˉping agents showed significant ifference. Conclusion In the dental pulp capping ......

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