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http://www.100md.com 陈锐勇 王文波 方以群 许骥



    模拟600 kPa 压力急剧变化对潜水员血液免疫学指标的影响

    陈锐勇 , 王文波 , 方以群 , 许 骥

    (海军医学研究所 ,上海 200433)

    [摘要] 目的:探讨压力急剧变化的高气压暴露过程对潜水员血液免疫学指标的影响。方法:5 名潜水员在潜艇艇员脱

    险实验舱进行 600 kPa压力急剧变化的暴露 ,用空气以每20 s压力增加1 倍的指数加压速率加压到600 kPa ,停留3~5 s后立

    即以 27 kPa/ s的速率减压。高气压暴露前 3 d和结束后立即收集外周血标本测定白介素 - 1 ( IL - 1) 、白介素 - 2 ( IL - 2) 、可

    溶性白介素 - 2 受体(sIL - 2R) 、白介素 - 6 ( IL - 6) 、肿瘤坏死因子( TNF) 、 C - 反应蛋白(CRP) 。结果:高气压暴露前后 IL -

    1、 IL - 2、 TNF、 CRP、 sIL - 2R、 IL - 6的测定结果均在正常值范围内 ,其中 sIL - 2R、 IL - 6 暴露后的测定值较暴露前有较大幅

    度的增加 ,sIL - 2R升高了 36. 52 % , IL - 6升高了 82. 92 %。结论:一定条件控制下的压力急剧变化的高气压暴露对人体血液

    部分免疫指标有一定的影响 ,但尚在正常范围内 ,提示本次实验中的压力急剧变化过程对人体血液免疫功能没有造成严重的

    损伤 ,加减压方案是安全的。

    [关键词] 快速加减压;血液免疫学;免疫因子

    [中图分类号] R845. 2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009 - 0754 (2003) 02 - 0100 - 02

    The Effects of Simulative Rapid Pressure Change of 600 kPa on


    CHEN Rui2yong , WA N G Wen2bo , FA N G Yi2qun , et al

    ( Naval Medical Research Inst i t ute , S hanghai 200433 , China)

    Abstract : Objective : To determine the effects of rapid pressure change on human hemato2immunology. Methods : 5 male divers

    were exposed to simulative rapid pressure change of 600 kPa. The escape chamber was compressed to 600 kPa by doubling the pres2

    sure every 20 s. The samples of peripheral vein blood were collected 3 days before and immidiately after high pressure exposure. The

    concent rations of interleukin - 1( IL - 1) , IL - 2 , soluble IL - 2 receptors (sIL - 2R) , IL - 6 , tumor necrosis factors ( TNF) and C2

    reaction protein (CRP) in serums were determined. Results : All the results on those indexes before and after ra pid pressure change

    are within the normal range. After exposure , the concent ration of sIL - 2R was increased by 36. 52 % , and IL - 6 by 82. 92 %. Con2

    clusion : Exposure to rapid pressure change have some effects on human hemato 2immunological function , but changes are within the

    normal range , which shows that rapid pressure change and condition cont rol are safe.

    Key words : rapid pressure change ; hemato2immunology ; immunological factors

    自 20 世纪 60 年代创立了快速上浮脱险方法以

    来 ,世界上很多国家海军对此非常重视 ,此方法成为

    潜艇失事后单人脱险的重要手段之一 ......
