当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 > 2004年第7期
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2004年第7期
     【摘要】 总结抗“非典”斗争实践中的经验教训,论述了抗“非典”斗争实践对促进医院建设的启示:提倡加强和改进医院思想政治工作;提出更加积极的医院危机管理观念;提倡积极发挥医院医德建设中的奉献精神;提出积极整合医疗卫生资源,化危机为机遇,打开工作局面。

    关键词 思想政治工作 危机管理 奉献精神 机遇

    Discussing the revelation on promoting hospital

    developments through resisting SARS

    Shi Ying,Guo Yingwen,

    Renyujiang. 44th Hospital of PLA,GuiYang550009.

    【Abstract】 We discussed the revelation on promoting hospital developments in resisting SARS:advocating to enhance and improve thought and political work of hospital;bringing forward more positive hospital crisis managent idea;advocating to give dedication spirit positively in hospital medical morality building into play;bringing up to inteˉgrate the resourccs of medical sanitation positively;changing crisis into opportunity;opening work situation.

    Key words thought and political work the crisis management dedication spirit opportunity

    古希腊哲学家苏格拉底曾说:“没有反省的人生是没有价值的人生” ......

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