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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代临床医学杂志》 2004年第9A期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨药物雾化吸入在治疗儿童哮喘病中的临床应用价值。方法 以β受体激动剂全乐宁和吸入型糖皮质激素普米克经空气压缩泵雾化吸入治疗作为观察组,口服氨茶碱和全身用糖皮质激素治疗作为对照组,观察组120例,对照组105例。结果 治疗3天后,观察组120例中完全缓解105例(87.5%),部分缓解11例(9.2%),而对照组105例中完全缓解72例(68.6%),部分缓解28例(26.7%),观察组完全缓解显著高于对照组,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论 雾化吸入β受体激动剂和糖皮质激素,既能解除呼吸道梗阻,又能降低气道高反应性,是哮喘治疗中最有效的方法。

    关键词 儿童哮喘 雾化吸入

    Clinical effect of inhaling treatment to the children with asthma

    He Yinghui

    Department of Pediatrics,Huizhou Cenral Hospital,Guangdong516001.

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical effect of inhaling treatment to the children with asthma.Methˉods 120patients in the observation group inhaled Ventolin aerosol and budesonide respules and105patients in the control group used oral aminophylline and glucocorticoid.Results After the therapy of3days105cases of the obserˉvation group completely relieved(87.5%);11cases of the observation group partly relieved(9.2%).72cases in the control group completely relieved(70.5%);28cases in the control partly relieved(27%).The relief rate of the obˉservation group was significantly higher than that of the control group.Conclusion Inhaling Ventolin and glucocortiˉcoid could relieve the obstruction of respiratory way and decrease bronchial hyperresponsiveness.It was the most effiˉciency way of treating asthma. ......

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