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http://www.100md.com 《中华医药杂志》 2004年第7期
     【摘要】 目的 总结改良胰液空肠引流式胰十二指肠及肾一期联合移植(SPK)的初步经验。 方法 对2例1型糖尿病并发尿毒症患者施行改良胰液空肠引流式SPK,术后监测胰、肾功能等。 结果 移植后2~3天肾功能恢复正常,1周内停用胰岛素,患者目前已分别存活34个月和17个月,移植胰、肾功能均正常。 结论 改良胰液空肠引流式SPK技术可行,并发症少,远期疗效佳,是治疗1型糖尿病并发尿毒症的较好术式。

    关键词 糖尿病 胰岛素依赖型 移植 胰腺 肾

    A preliminary experience of modified simultaneous kidney-pancreatic transplantation with enteric drainage of the exocrine secretion

    Liao Yi,Yang Yirong,Zhang Qiyu,et al.

    The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou325000.

    【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the clinical technique and the result of modified simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation(SPK)with enteric drainage(ED)of the exocrine secretions into the proximal jejunum.Meth-ods Two cases of insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus(IDDM)with uremia underwent modified SPK with ED.The functions of the pancreas and kidneywere monitored after the transplantation.Results Two patients became insulin-independent between5and7days posttransplant.Serum creatinine gradually decreased to the normal level at2to3days after transplantation.One episode of clinical renal acute rejection occurred at22postoperative day in the first pa-tients.All the grafts from two patients are functioning well.Conclusion The modified ED-SPK is a practicable and more effective therapy for IDDM with uremia. ......

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