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http://www.100md.com 《中华实用医药杂志》 2004年第14期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨用内窥镜对尿道损伤进行急诊尿道会师治疗。方法 在内窥镜窥视下向尿道断裂的近端或从膀胱造瘘处向尿道内口插入导丝,引入导尿管进入膀胱后,作固定牵拉对合段端。结果 所有患者均于术后3~4周分别拔出造瘘管和导尿管并按时作尿道扩张,随访半年至1年,见尿道段端愈合良好,粘膜光滑,无狭窄,排尿正常。结论 急诊内窥镜下行尿道会师术,具有创伤小,可达解剖复位,并发症少;操作简便,费用少,康复快等优点。

    关键词 急诊 内窥镜 尿道会师术

    Emergency treatment of urethral injury with urethral reunion operation under endoscope

    Huang Bin,Huang Yi,Gao Hong,et al.

    Guiyang No.4People’s Hospital,Guiyang550002.

    【Abstract】 Objective To access the emergency treatment of urethral injury with urethral reunion operation under endoscope. Methods Under the monitoring of endoscope,a leading needle was pluged in the upward end of disrupted urethra from its downside or from the the bladder fistula and the urethra catheter was putted into the bladder. for fixup the two ends. Results The 28 pationts has been pulled out the urethral catheter and fistula after 3 to 4 weeks ......

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