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     姜元安 张清苓 李致重

    摘 要:六经辨证是适用于多种外感热病还是伤寒病?六经辨证是否同时既适用于伤寒病又适用于杂病?涉及到如何看待《伤寒论》中的六经辨证方法及六经辨证论治体系。通过对《伤寒论》一书性质的探讨,认为《伤寒论》之六经辨证方法及六经辨证论治体系只适用于狭义上的伤寒病。



    Exogenous Febrile Disease and LiujingBianzheng

    Jiang Yuan´an,Zhang Qingling,Li Zhizhong

    (Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029)

    ABSTRACT:Whether LiujingBianzheng (the differential diagnosis in accordance with the theory of six channels) fits for many a kind of febrile diseases due to external affection,or fits for exogenous febrile disease? Or,whether it fits for all diseases of internal medicine,not only those caused by exogenous pathogenic agents? These questions are correlated with how to look at the method of LiujingBianzheng and system of LiujingBianzhenglunzhi (determination of treatment based on the differential diagnosis in accordance with the theory of six channels) in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases.Through a discussion on the essence of this classic,it was thought in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases,the method and system of LiujingBianzheng fit for only exogenous febrile disease in a narrow sense. ......

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