郭洪祝 李家实 吴楠 吕扬 郑启泰摘要: 对金灯藤的干燥成熟种子进行了化学成分的系统分离,共得到12个化合物,鉴定了10个,分别是:①β-谷甾醇,②棕榈酸,③饱和脂肪酸混和物, ④硬脂酸,⑤花生酸,⑥胡萝卜甙,⑦羟基马桑毒素(Tutin),⑧对羟基桂皮酸,⑨马桑亭(Coriatin),⑩咖啡酸。其中羟基马桑毒素、对羟基桂皮酸、马桑亭、咖啡酸都是首次自该植物中分得,羟基马桑毒素、马桑亭为首次自本科植物中分得。
关键词: 金灯藤;羟基马桑毒素;马桑亭
Study on Constituents of the Seed from Cuscuta Japonica
Guo Hongzhu Li Jiashi Wu Nan
(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029)
ABSTRACT: 12 compounds have been isolated from the seed of Cuscuta japonica Choisy. Based on spectroscopic data, 10 compounds have been determined as follows: 1. β-sitosterol, 2. hexadecanoic acid, 3. mixture of hexadecanoic acid, 4. stearic acid, 5. eicosanoic acid, 6. daucosterol, 7. Tutin, 8. p-coumaric acid, 9. coriatin, 10. caffeic acid. It is the first report of compound 7, 8, 9, and 10, which are isolated from this plant and 7, 9 from the family.
KEY WORDS: Cuscuta japonica; Tutin; Coriatin
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