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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代眼科学杂志》 2005年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨高度近视散光眼(散光≥3.0Dc)散光(EAs)与角膜散光(KAS)的相关关系。 方法 分析3年来接受LASIK治疗的90例(121眼)眼散光与角膜散光数据,眼散光采用睫状肌麻痹下检影验光检查,角膜散光采用角膜地形图检测,统计采用SPSS10.0软件分析。 结果 眼散光和角膜散光分别为(3.60±0.69)Dc和(2.93±0.79)Dc。两者的相关系数r=0.42;直线回归方程为:EAs=2.518+0.369KAS。在121眼高度近视散光眼中:顺规散光112眼(占92.6%),并且79.5%的散光轴向在0±10°;逆规散光6眼(占5.0%),斜向散光3眼(占2.5%)。 结论 高度近视散光与角膜散光虽然呈正向直线关系,但是相关性不强,而两者的轴向却有很高的一致性。

    关键词 散光 角膜

    The correlation between eye astigmatism and corneal astigmatism in the high myopic astigmatism

    Yue Lijing,Guo Haike

    Department of Ophthalmology,The Second Hospital of TCM,Guangdong510095.

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the correlation between the whole eye astigmatism(EAs)and corneal astigma-tism(KAs)for the high myopic astigmatism(astigmatism≥3.0Dc).Methods Analyzing the eye astigmatism and corneal astigmatism in the121eyes of91patients with high myopic astigmatism which accepted LASIK during the last3years.Eye astigmatism was attained through retinoscopy after cycloplegic.Corneal astigmatism data was attained from keratoto-pography.Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS statistics software package SPSS10.0for Windows.Results Mean±Standard Deviation of the eye astigmatism and corneal astigmatismwere3.60±0.69Dc ......

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