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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代护理学杂志》 2005年第5期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨人工肝单纯血浆置换过程中血浆的管理方法。 方法 回顾性分析2000年4月~2002年12月我院进行血浆置换的重型肝炎或肝衰竭病例226例,观察了血浆置换的不良反应和疗效,归纳了治疗过程中血浆的管理经验。 结果 血浆的领取、核对、保存、使用等方面均应予以注意。 结论 血浆置换治疗过程中血浆应用的规范化管理是治疗成功的基础。

    关键词 人工肝支持治疗 血浆置换 血浆 护理

    The management of fresh frozen plasma in plasma exchange treatment

    Niu Xinying,Ren Zhen

    The Treatment and Training Center of Artificial Liver,Beijing Youan Hospital,Affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing100054.

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the methods of plasma management during plasma exchange treatment.Methods 226patients with severe hepatitis or liver failure who received plasma exchange in our centre from April2000to December2002were analyzed retrospectively.The adverse effects and therapeutic effects were observed.The experience of plasma management was concluded.Results Carefully employed the plasma exchange procedure ......

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