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http://www.100md.com 2005年6月27日 《中国医药报》 2005.06.27

    Hello,what can I do for you?


    I want to buy some drugs for cold.


    Is it for your own use?


    Yes. (take out a package of drug) I kept taking this drug in the past two days, but my cold gets more serious after using it.


    What symptoms did you have?


    Cough, headache and sore throat.


    Did you have a fever, feeling heat or cold?


    No, I didn''t have a fever, but I''m afraid of cold.


    I think the drug you used is not suitable, because your cold was caused by wind-chill but the drug you used is for cold caused by wind-heat.


    Oh, I see.


    Pls follow me to No. 3 counter for the drugs suitable for you and I''d like to give you some suggestions.


    Thank you.


    a.c.(ante cibum)饭前;a/d(on alternate days)隔日;adm(administration)投药;Ag(antigen)抗原;agg(aggregate)总数;a.g.w.(actual gross weight)实际总量;AID(acute infections disease)急性传染病。

    (赵喜军 华铮 王立峰), 百拇医药(赵喜军;华铮;王立峰)