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http://www.100md.com 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 1999年第6期
     张海鸥 饶明俐 刘 群 张淑琴 马玉刚 张海鸥 518036 深圳市中心医院神经内科;饶明俐 刘 群 张淑琴 马玉刚 白求恩医科大学第一医院神经内科 中风与神经疾病杂志 1999 0 16 6

    关键词:Moyamoya病;脑梗死;颅内出血;兔 期刊 zfysjjbzz 0 论著与经验总结 fur -->


摘 要 目的 研究Moyamoya病的发生、发展及转归过程。方法 建立Moyamoya病的实验动物模型。结果 颈动脉逐渐狭窄或闭塞的过程是内弹力纤维变性、断裂后,中膜平滑肌细胞沿断裂处向内膜游走、深入增生的过程。早期,因侧支循环血管建立不完善,脑组织缺血、缺氧出现多灶性脑软化坏死。随时间延长,脑内大量小动脉及毛细血管代偿性增生,其血管壁腔大壁薄,形成异网。同时5个粟粒状或囊状动脉瘤,蛛网膜下腔、脑室内及脑实质内有小的出血灶。结论 Moyamoya病临床表现早期以缺血性脑血管病为主,后期以出血性脑血管病为主,是由Moyamoya病理的演变过程所决定的,是疾病的发展规律。

An experimental study on theoccurrence development and find result of Moyamoya disease

Zhang Haiou,Rao Mingli,Liu Qun,et al.

    Department of Neurology,Central Hospital Shenzhen 518036.

Abstract Objective Tostudy on the occurrence,development and find result of Moyamoya disease.Method Theexperimental animal models of Moyamoya disease were established with normal horse seurmbeing injected into the neck regions around of bilateral common carotid arteries.Results Thestenosis or occulusion in carotid arteries were induced mainly by the proliferous ofsmooth muscular cell in middle membrance under immunizator irritating,those smoothmuscular cells protruded toward lumen along the uncontinuous region of internal elasticfiber lamina.At early stage,many mass of cerebramalacia and necrosis were found,with longtime,a number of small vascular and capillaries proliferation,but their histostructureswere not perfected,the vascular lumen became larger and their walls were thiner.Fiveaneurysms were found in experimental animals,a number of small hemorrhagic locus insubarachnoid,intraventricle and cerebrum.Conclusion Finding of thecerebral ischemia at the initial stage and intracranial hemorrhage at the last stagebetween the human Moyamoya disease and experimental animals seemed to be similar,whichwere decided by pathological evolving process of moyamoya disease and were the law of thedevelopment of Moyamoya disease.


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