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http://www.100md.com 《岭南心血管病杂志》 2000年第1期
     唐崇工 刘志隆 李少华 张明 刘悦琴 525011 茂名市 茂名石化医院 岭南心血管病杂志 2000 0 6 1

    关键词:心脑血管疾患;高血压;高脂血症;干预 期刊 lnxxgbzz 0 22-24 论著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 观察强化干预高血压和/或高脂血症对石化企业老职工心脑血管疾患发生率的影响。方法 1990年茂名石化公司全员大体检中大于50岁在职职工4 146人中,检查资料完整者3 916人,其中高血压680人,高血脂673人,高血压合并高脂血症199人,共1 552人,随机分为强化干预组(775人)和一般治疗对照组(777人),比较两组10年间出现心脑血管终点事件。结果 强化干预组发生心脑血管终点事件比危险因素对照组明显减少(急性心梗发生率为0.9%比1.8%,脑栓塞发生率为4.2%比8.3%,TIA为1.4%比2.4%,P均<0.01)。石化行业老职工发生危险因素比例较高(34.63%)。结论 对石化行业有心脑血管疾病危险因素者必须积极干预,即使是简单的方法和简单的药物治疗,亦可显著减少心脑血管终点事件的发生。

The effects on morbidity of cardio-cerebrovascular disorders through intervening hypertension and hyperlipemia

Tang Songgong, Liu Zhilong, Li Shaohua, et al.

( Maoming Petrol Chemical Hospital, Maoming 525011 )

Abstract Objective To investigate the effects on morbidities of cardio-cerebrovascular disorders in old staff and workers of petrochemical industry enterprise through intervening hypertension and/or hyperlipidemia. Methods To find out 1 552 people, included hypertension 680, hyperlipidemia 673, and hypertension associated hyperlipidemia 199 in 3 916 people with complete data from examined 4 146 staff and workers (age > 50 years old) of Maoming Petrol Chemical Company in 1990. They were randomly divided interventional group (775 cases) and control group (777 cases), and cardio-cerebrovascular endpoint events were compared between two groups after following up 10 years.Result The incidences of cardio-cerebrovascular endpoint events in the interventional group were significantly lower than control group: acute myocardial infarction 0.9% vs 1.8%; cerebral infarction 4.2% vs 8.3%; cerebral hemorrhage 1.4 % vs 3.6%; TIA 1.4% vs 2.4% (P < 0.01). Conclusion To actively intervene cardio-cerebrovascular risk factors for petrochemical occupation, even using simple method or medicine, could significantly decrease cardio-cerebrovascular endpoint events.

Key words Hypertension Cardio-Cerebrovascular disease Hyperlipidemia Intervention

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