当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中药新药与临床药理》 > 1999年第6期
http://www.100md.com 《中药新药与临床药理》 1999年第6期
     王培训 黄丰 周联 曹柳英 梁瑞燕 广州中医药大学临床药理研究所,广州510405 中药新药与临床药理 1999 0 10 6

    关键词:西洋参;随机扩增多态性DNA技术;利用;中药材鉴别 期刊 zyxyylcyl 0 质量分析研究 fur -->



    中图分类号:R282.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9783(1999)06-0367-03

Identification of Commercial P. Qinquefolium by DNA Fingerprints

WANG Pei-xun, HUANG Feng, ZHOU Lian, et al.

    (Clinical Pharmacology Institute, Guangzhou University of TCM, Guangzhou 510405)

Abstract :Various P.quinquefolium species were analyzed polymorphologically by random amplified polymorphological DNA(RAPD)method. Most of random primers showed polymorphous.Fingerprints of real products of P.quinquefolium are considerably different from adulterants.Most of P.quinquefolium species have the similar fingerprints except three species from Shanxi Province.


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