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http://www.100md.com 《广西预防医学》 1999年第6期

     谢裕安 梁安民 罗小玲 吴继宁 匡志鹏 广西肿瘤防治研究所(南宁 530021) 广西预防医学 1999 0 5 6

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摘要 对24例恶性肿瘤患者应用自体异构化瘤苗治疗,并与相应对照组比较,通过治疗前后外周血T淋巴细胞亚群CD3+ 、CD4+ 、 CD8+ 、 CD4+ /CD8+ 及NK细胞活性的检测,观察患者细胞免疫功能的变化情况。结果,研究组治疗后CD3+ 、CD4+ 、CD4+ /CD8+ 比值和NKC活性都比治疗前显著增加(P<0.01),而对照组无明显变化(P>0.05)。提示异构化瘤苗能有效地帮助恶性肿瘤病人重建受损的T淋巴细胞网络,恢复细胞免疫功能,达到治疗和预防肿瘤转移与复发的目的。

Influence of autoheteroconstructed tumorcell vaccine on cell immunocompetence.

Xie Yuan,Liang Anmin , Luo Xiaoling et al.

    Biotherapy Rresearch Center of Guangxi Cancer Institute , Nanning 530021

Abstract To observe the changes of cell immunocompetence,24 malignant tumor patients had been treated by autoheteroconstructed tumor cell vaccine(TCV),and compared with the control group,through detecting peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets CD3+ 、CD4+ 、CD4+ /CD8+ and NK cell immunocompetence pretreatment and posttreatment. The result showed that the ratio of CD3+ 、CD4+ 、CD4+ /CD8+ and NK cell immunocompetence of the research group posttreatment increased markedly than that of pretreatment(P<0.01), and the control group had not changed obviously(P>0.05).It showed that autoheteroconstructed TCV can rebuild effectively the injured T lymphocyte network of malignant tumor patients and regain the cell immunocompetence and attain the object both treating and preventing malignant tumor metastasis and recurrence.


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