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http://www.100md.com 《山西护理杂志》 1999年第4期
     周正颜 542700,广西富川瑶族自治县人民医院 山西护理杂志 1999 0 13 4

    关键词:指标体系;AHP法;隶属函数;模糊数学综合评判法 期刊 sxhlzz 0 专题笔谈:系统化整体护理 fur -->


摘要 :在总结诊断依据体系及制订指标体系理想值的基础上,运用模糊数学的有关原理进行综合评判,以验证护理诊断的正确性,并通过临床实例加以对比分析。认为该评判法具有逻辑性强、系统性高、重点突出、简便易行的特点。

    中图分类号 :R197.323 文献标识码 :C 文章编号 :1006-1584(1999)04- 0144-03

Approach on Fuzzy Mathematics Comprehensive

    Evaluation Applie d in Nursing Diagnosis

Zhou Zhengyan

    (People's Hospital of Fuchuan Yao Nationality Autono mous County of Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region,Guangxi 542700 China )

Abstract :On the basis of summing-up diagnostic basis system and w orking out ideal value of index system,fuzzy mathematics principles were appli ed to evaluate nursing diagnoses and to varify the correctness of nursing diagno ses and to analyse contrastly through clinical cases.It is considered that the w ay of evaluation has good logicalness and high systematicness.It also has a char acteristic of focal point outstanding and simple and easy to operate.


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