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http://www.100md.com 《右江民族医学院学报》 2000年第1期
     杜茂云 杜茂云(右江民族医学院附属西南医院 百色 533000) 右江民族医学院学报 2000 0 21 1

    关键词:胸;中仟伏摄影;摄影术 期刊 yjmzyxyxb 0 4??6 论著与临床报道 fur -->


摘 要:通过对低仟伏、中仟伏、高仟伏摄影胸部正位片各500例的照片等级、胸部细微结构及重要解剖结构的显示、清晰度、对比度及层次的对比研究,得出胸部中仟伏摄影提高了照片有用信息量,照片对比度,清晰度较好,照片质量较高,认为胸部中仟伏摄影应作为常规检查方法推广使用。

The feasibility of middlevoltage chest X-ray photographing

Du Maoyun

( AffiliatedSouth-West Hospital of Youjiang Medical College

    for Nationalities, Bose, Guangxi, P.R.China 533000

Abstract: The chest eutopic photograph's grade, minute structure,and major anatomic site of 500 hundred cases of middle voltage X-ray photographing wereretrospectively studied, in comparison with those of 500 hundred cases of low and highvoltage X-ray photographing, respectively. It was found that middle voltage chest X-rayphotographs had the improved practical information, better contrast and clarity, and quitegood quality. It is recommended that the middle voltage chest X-ray photographying shouldbe regarded as an item of routine clinical examination.


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