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http://www.100md.com 《右江民族医学院学报》 1999年第4期

     黎有英 卢丽珍 广西玉林市第二人民医院(玉林 537000) 右江民族医学院学报 1999 0 21 4

    关键词:剖宫产术;时间;产后出血 期刊 yjmzyxyxb 0 论著与临床报道 fur -->


摘要 对1998年7~12月所施行的新式剖宫产术36例进行分析,并随机抽取同期的传统剖宫产术40例作为对照,发现新式剖宫产术的手术总时间、术后肛门排气时间、术后下床活动时间、拆线时间均较传统剖宫产术短(P<0.01),出血量也较传统剖宫术少(P<0.05)。表明新式剖宫产术在许多方面优于传统剖宫产术。

New cesarean section: clinical analysis of 36 cases

Li Youying Lu Lizhen

Second Yulin People's Hospital, Yulin, Guangxi, P.R.China 537000

From July to December, 1998, thirty-six patients had undergone new cesarean section (new surgery group) in our hospital, and forty patients undergone traditional cesarean section were randomly divided as the control group. It was found that the needed time for overall surgery, for the first postoperative air exhausting in anus, for the activity off bed, and for the stiches removed in the new surgery group were all less than those in the control group (P<0.01), and had also less amount of bleeding (P<0.05). It indicated that the new cesarean section had more advanteges than the traditional one.


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