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http://www.100md.com 《右江民族医学院学报》 1999年第2期
     黄淑贞 孔庆梅 李 宏 周 媛 王 励 广西柳州铁路局中心医院(柳州 545007) 右江民族医学院学报 1999 0 21 2

    关键词:新生儿;缺氧缺血性脑病;预后 期刊 yjmzyxyxb 0 论著与临床报道 fur -->


摘要 分析新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)43例。有宫内窘迫史者占58.1%,出生重度窒息占81.4%。HIE轻度10例,中度26例,重度7例。合并心肌损害达41.7%。治愈好转率为81.3%。病死率7.0%。随访24例,轻度HIE预后好,中度有明显后遗症者为6.7%,重度预后不良。认为加强围生期保健,提高产科质量,进行新法复苏及复苏后处理是降低HIE发病率的关键。诊治中应重视心肌损害。使用胞二磷胆碱等脑细胞代谢激活剂辅治HIE效果肯定。对于预后,强调早期治疗,早期评分、早期随访、早期干预是改善重度HIE预后的几个重要环节。

Newborn hypoxic ischemicencephalogathy: A retrospective

    clinical and prognostic analysis of 43 cases

Huang Shuzhen Kong Qingmei LiHong Zhou Yuan Wang Li

    Department of paediatrics, Liuzhou Central Railway Hospital, Liuzhou, Guangxi,P.R.China 545007

Forty-three newborns (male 31, femal 12) withhypoxic ischemic encephalogathy (HIE) have been reptrospectively analyzed, 58.1 percent ofthem with history of intrauterine distress and 81.4 percent with asphyxia. Ten cases aremild, twenty-six are middle, and seven are severe. The follow up of 24 cases showed thatmild HIE had good prognosis, 6.7 percent of middle symptom had a distinct sequel, and thesevere patients had a poor prognosis. It is thought that the key to reduce the attack rateof HIE is to strengthen the health care in the perinatal period, to raise the obstetricquality, to use new method of resuscitation, and to treat properly after theresuscitation. It should pay great attention to cardiac muscle damage. It is ensured thatthe effect of citicocine is good for HIE. It is suggested that the important link ofimproving prognosis of severe patients with HIE is treatment, evaluation of work points,follow-up, and intervene all in earlier.


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