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http://www.100md.com 《北京中医药大学学报》 1999年第3期

     洪 缨 侯家玉 北京中医药大学药理教研室 北京100029 北京中医药大学学报 1999 0 22 3

    关键词:娑罗子;迷走神经;组织胺;五肽胃泌素;大鼠 期刊 bjzyydxxb 0 中医药实验研究 fur -->


摘 要: 娑罗子10g/kg胃内或十二指肠给药对切除双侧颈部迷走神经大鼠的胃酸分泌均有明显抑制作用,但与假手术组比较,抑酸作用降低,且切除迷走神经后,十二指肠给药的抑酸作用较胃内给药降低更为明显。娑罗子十二指肠给药还可明显拮抗组胺、五肽胃泌素诱导的胃酸分泌增加,其中对组胺的拮抗强于对五肽胃泌素的拮抗。提示娑罗子抑制胃酸分泌可能包含神经及受体机制。

The Mechanism of Suoluozi on Gastric AcidSecret Inhibition in Rats

Hong Ying, Hou Jiayu

    (Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029)

ABSTRACT: Being administered intragastric (i.g) orintraduodenal (i.d), Suoluozi (SLZ) (10g/kg) showed the activity on inhibiting gastricsecretion in vagotomized rats. But after vagotomy in rats, the effect of SLZ on secretioninhibiting was decreased, and there was a more reduce in the administration of i.d.. Theeffects of histamine and gastrin on gastric secretion could be antagonized by SLZ(10g/kg, i.d) also, and it was more efficient on anti-histamine. That indicates that the vagusnerve and antagonism of histamine and gastrin may contribute to the anti-secret effect of SLZ.


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