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http://www.100md.com 《中华心血管病杂志》 1998年第6期
     侯东明 陈明哲 李选 曲雯 谢敬霞 郭静萱 100083 北京医科大学第三医院 中华心血管病杂志 1998 0 6

    关键词:冠状动脉内支架;冠状血管造影;新生内膜增殖 期刊 zhxxgbzz 0 冠心病血运重建专栏 fur -->


摘要 目的 为了评估冠状动脉内自制支架的生物学效应。方法 17 枚自制的钽丝支架置入12 头小型猪的冠状动脉内,并观察了置入后6 个月的结果。实验表明,置入支架后冠状血管未见局部组织排异反应,新生内膜的增殖呈时相性过程;在3 个月时,新生内膜的增殖达到峰值,其成份主要是大量增殖的平滑肌细胞和细胞外基质;并且,新生内膜增殖的程度与血管损伤程度成正相关。结论 这种自制钽丝支架具有良好的X 光下可视性,能够快速、准确、定点释放。

Experimental studyon intracoronary balloon-expandable stent

Hou Dongming, Chen Mingzhe, Li Xuan, et al. The Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083

Abstract Objective To assess the biological effect of a self-designed coronary stent.Methods Seventeen balloon -expandable tantalum stents wereimplanted into 12 minipig coronary arteries.Results No inflammation or foreign body reaction were observed onthe local vessels after stenting. The neointima proliferation agreed with the time courseprocess. At 3 months, the neointima was the thickest and consisted mainly of an abundantsmooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. The neointimal hyperplasia was stronglyrelated to the injured score of arteies.Conclusion Our data have shown that this kind of stent has a goodroentgenoscopic visibility and biocompatibility. It is easy to implant rapidly andaccurately.

Key words coronary stent angiography neointimalproliferation

冠状动脉内支架是降低经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PTCA) 术后血管再狭窄的有效方法[1 ......

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