【摘要】 目的 为了解女性急性心肌梗塞(AMI)的临床特点,以提高防治效果。方法 对北京地区防治冠心病协作组1990~1991年连续收治的1614例患者(男1 185,女429),进行男女比较分析。根据患者年龄分为(<45,45~54,55~64,≥65岁)四组,比较患者例数、并发症及病死率。结果 四组男与女患者比例分别为17.8:1,6.1:1,3.2:1和1.8:1。女性并发心源性休克者明显多于男性。发病4周病死率,女性14.7%明显高于男性9.4%。在45~54岁组内,差异亦有显著性(1.2%比0.7%)。结论 提示与年龄有关的雌激素水平变化对女性AMI临床特点有明显的影响。
Clinical characteristics of acute myocardial infarction infemale patients Beijing Collaborative StudyGroup of Coronary Heart Disease 100700 (correspondewce: Beijing General Hospital, PLA,Beijing 100700)
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate theclinical characteristics of female patients, with acute myocardial infarction(AMI).Methods One thousand, six hundred and fourteenpatients of coronary heart disease (CHD) (male 1 185, female 429) admitted to 20 hospitalsof Beijing Collaborative Study Group in 1991-1992 were analyzed to compare the clinicalstates of female with male patients. Patients were divided into 4 age groups (<45,45-54, 55-64 and ≥65 years) to compare morbidity,complications and mortality rate. Results The ratiosof female to male patients in the 4 groups were 17.8:1,6.1:1, 3.2:1 and 1.8:1,respectively. More female patients were complicated with cardiogenic shock. The 4-weekpost-infarction mortality rate in females (14.7%) was signific-antly higher than that ofmales(9.4%), which was also significantly different (1.2% vs 0.7%)in the 45-54 yearsgroup. Conclusion The results suggest that there isprominent influence of age-related estrogen on the AMI clinical course in female patients.
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