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http://www.100md.com 《中华血液学杂志》 1998年第11期
     张晓泉 杨耀明 史惠琳 朱强 马明信 虞积仁 王申五 王德炳 100044 北京医科大学人民医院血液病研究所(张晓泉、杨耀明、史惠琳、王申五、王德炳);北京医科大学第一医院血液科(朱强、马明信、虞积仁) 中华血液学杂志 1998 11 19 11

    关键词:血小板生成素;基因,c-mpl;紫癜,血小板减少性,特发性 期刊 zhxyxzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 目的 :探讨特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)患者骨髓血小板生成素(Tpo)和其受体c-mpl基因变化的意义。方法 :用非放射性核素细胞原位杂交法检测tpo、c-mplmRNA;细胞免疫化学法检测巨核细胞MPL。结果 :ITP患者骨髓tpo、c-mplmRNA,巨核细胞MPL表达增高。结论 :c-mpl基因是在转录水平调控的;人体骨髓内对tpo及其受体的调节是以负反馈方式进行的;ITP患者骨髓局部tpo表达增高,病理情况下巨核细胞MPL增高可能与循环Tpo水平降低有关。

    Expression of thrombopoietin related genes in patients with idiopathicthrombocytopenic purpura Zhang Xiaoquan, Yang Yaoming, Shi Huilin, et al.Institute of Hematology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100044

    Abstract Objective: To explore the expression of thrombopoietin (Tpo) and its receptor c-mpl in bone marrow from patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP). Methods: Non-radioactive in situ hybridization was used todetect tpo, c-mpl mRNA. Immune cytochemistry was used to detect MPL on megakaryocyte. Results: The expression of tpo, c-mpl mRNA in bone marrow and MPL on megakaryocyte in patients withITP was increased. Conclusion: c-mpl mRNA was regulated attranscriptional level. A negative feedback loop was involved in the regulation ofmegakaryopoiesis in bone marrow. MPL may be involved in the regulation of circulating Tpo.


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