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http://www.100md.com 《中华血液学杂志》 1998年第3期
     郑艳珍 朱定尔 周伯通 410078 长沙,湖南医科大学分子生物研究中心(郑艳珍、朱定尔);湖南医科大学湘雅医院中心实验室(周伯通) 中华血液学杂志 1998 3 19 3

    关键词:遗传性蛋白C缺乏;基因突变;深静脉血栓 期刊 zhxyxzz 0 论 著 fur -->



摘要 目的: 研究一家族性血栓病相关病因的表型及基因型。方法: 先证者、其母、二 兄分别在35,19,33岁起无明显诱因患反复性下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)。对其四代13个家庭成 员的抗凝血酶Ⅲ、蛋白C(PC)、蛋白S(PS)、纤溶酶原的抗原和活性及活化的PC抗性等进行 检测。结果: 该家族5个成员患有Ⅰ型杂合子PC缺乏症(PC抗原和活性降低50%左右)。PC基 因各外显子及外显子、内含子连接区聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性(PCR-SSCP)未发现明显的 异常带;亚克隆后测序发现PC的第Ⅵ外显子3444C→A导致134His→Asn变异,这是国外尚 未报道的新突变,被命名为PC长沙。此突变使限制性内切酶HphⅠ位点丧失,用PCR/HphⅠ 进行家系分析,证实了6个家系成员(包括5个PC缺乏者)具有同样的突变。结论: His134As n是此家族PC缺乏所致DVT的密切相关病理基因型。

TypeⅠ protein C deficiency caused by a novel protein C gene mutation Zheng Yanzhen ,Zhu Dinger,Zhou Botong. Research Center of Molecular B iology,Hunan Medical University,Changsha 410078

Abstract Objective: To study the phenotype and genotype of a throm bophilia family. Methods: Antigens and activities of protein C,antit hrombin Ⅲ,protein S,plasminogen and activated protein C resistance w ere assayed in 13 members from four generations of the family. Results: TypeⅠ protein C deficiency was revealed in 5 members including the 3 mem bers with deep vein thrombosis.All the exons and intron/exon junction s of the protein C gene were amplified by PCR.No abnormal band was found i n SSCP assay.DNA sequencing identified a novel mutation 3444C→A in exo n Ⅵ of protein C gene leading to His134Asn.This mutation erased a Hph Ⅰ s ite.PCR/HphⅠ analysis demonstrated that 6 members including 5 protei n C deficiency members had the same mutations. Conclusion: His134Asn i s a novel mutation causing type Ⅰ protein C deficiency.

Key words Hereditary protein C deficiency Gene mutation De ep vein thrombosis

自发性深静脉血栓(DVT)在西方发病率为1/1000 [1] ,其中10%~15%的血栓病与抗凝 血酶Ⅲ(ATⅢ)、蛋白C(PC)、蛋白S(PS)、纤溶酶原(Plg)等的遗传性缺乏相关 [2] ,2 0%~40%患者与活化的蛋白C抗性(APCR),即凝血因子Ⅴ(FⅤ)的遗传性变异相关 ......

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