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http://www.100md.com 《中华消化内镜杂志》 1999年第3期
     岑戎 徐富星 项平 欧平安 杨旅军 陈桂芳 王宇清 岑戎、徐富星、项平、欧平安 上海市华东医院内镜室 200040; 杨旅军、陈桂芳、王宇清 麻醉科 中华消化内镜杂志 1999 0 16 3

    关键词:大肠镜检查;静脉麻醉 期刊 zhxhnjzz 0 论 著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 在大肠镜检查中以良好的止痛及镇静作用,增加患者接受检查的依从性,提高检查的成功率。方法 将619例患者随机分为观察组(319例,给予异丙酚及芬太尼静脉麻醉)与对照组(300例,常规操作),对2组患者的操作时间、检查成功率、检查反应以及检查前、中、后三阶段的血氧饱和度、心率进行观察。结果 观察组操作时间、检查成功率、检查反应等方面明显优于对照组(P<0.01),检查前后血氧饱和度和心率的变化与对照组比较差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。结论 辅以异丙酚及芬太尼静脉麻醉进行大肠镜检查是安全有效的,为无痛苦大肠镜检查开辟了广阔前景。


Intravenous use of generalanesthetics for colonoscopy

CHENG Rong,XU Fuxing,XIANG Ping,et al.

    Huadong Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 200040

【Abstract】 Objective Hereinreports the effect of intravenous administration of general anesthetics for colonoscopytrying to improve the manipulation and eliminate patient's fear.Methods Atotal of 619 patients was randomized into test group(n=319 given intravenous protofoland fentanyl) and the control(n=300,without anesthetics).Perioperative patient'sfeeling,heart rate,blood oxygen saturation and operative duration,operator's satisfactionwere recorded and analysed.Results Data in test group showed lesscomplaints,shorter duration,easier manipulation,high satisfaction and no difference inperioperative change of heart rate and blood oxygen saturation as compared with thecontrol.Conclusion With intravenous use of protofol andfentanyl,colonoscopy can be achieved effectively,painlessly and safely.


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