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http://www.100md.com 《中华消化内镜杂志》 1999年第3期
     施华秀 吴云林 上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院消化科 200025 中华消化内镜杂志 1999 0 16 3

    关键词:放大电子结肠镜;靛胭脂;增生性息肉;腺瘤性息肉 期刊 zhxhnjzz 0 论 著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 提高内镜下结直肠小息肉的检出率和正确诊断率。方法 经放大电子结肠镜喷洒靛胭脂对123例的直径≤10mm的息肉进行形态和组织学对照研究。结果 靛胭脂喷洒后增生性息肉表面呈规则星状乳头样小窝;腺瘤性息肉表面呈管状或树枝状小窝。经放大肠镜喷洒色素诊断隆起型及扁平型小息肉,总符合率分别为82.0%和77.1%;鉴别腺瘤性息肉与非腺瘤性息肉敏感性和特异性,隆起型小息肉分别为88.4%和92.3%,扁平型小息肉分别为83.3%和90.0%。结论 经放大肠镜喷洒靛胭脂可提高小息肉检出率,较正确判断小息肉性质。


Distinguishingcolorectal minute lesions by high-resolution video endoscope with indigo carmine dye spray

SHI Huaxiu,WU Yunlin.

    Department of Gastroenterology,Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai200025

【Abstract】 Objective Thepresent study was aimed at evaluating the chromoscopy in detecting and distinguishingcolorectal minute lesions (polyps).Methods Fujinon EC-410 CM/HLmagnifying endoscope with indigo carmine dye spray was used.Polyps≤10mm in diameter in123 patients were studied morphologically and histologically.Results Theoutlook of stained hyperplastic lesions presented asteroid or papillary dots;that of theadenomatous showed tubular or branched pits .The diagnostic accuracies in macroscopic andmicroscopic views for protruded lesions and flat depressed ones were 82% and 77.1%respectively.While the sensitivity and specificity of the technique to distinguishprotruded and flat adenoma from the non-adenomatous ones being 88.4%,92.3% and 83.3%,90.0%correspondingly.Conclusion With this technique minute polyps could bedetected more frequently and their nature predicted more accurately.


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