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http://www.100md.com 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 1999年第5期
     叶辉 梁廷臣 张颖 张玉琳 叶辉、梁廷臣、张颖(100020 北京,首都儿科研究所外科);张玉琳(超声科) 中华泌尿外科杂志 1999 0 20 5

    关键词:输尿管囊肿,畸形 期刊 zhmnwkzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 目的 对1990~1998年间收治的20例输尿管囊肿患者的诊治资料进行总结。方法 20例均行IVU及B超检查。18例行上肾段及输尿管切除或囊肿切除加膀胱输尿管再吻合术,行经尿道内窥镜囊肿切开及经膀胱双侧输尿管囊肿去顶术各1例。 结果 B超诊断符合率为75%。B超结合IVU诊断符合率达100%。13例行上肾段及输尿管切除术,5例行输尿管囊肿切除、输尿管膀胱再吻合术,1例行经尿道内窥镜囊肿切开术,行经膀胱双侧输尿管囊肿去顶术1例。除1例上肾段及输尿管切除术后仍反复泌尿系感染而再行输尿管残端及囊肿切除外,均一次手术治愈。 结论 B超及IVU二者结合可明显提高诊断符合率。上肾段及输尿管切除或囊肿切除加输尿管膀胱再吻合术方法简单,效果良好,是基本治疗手段之一。对膀胱内型输尿管囊肿、新生儿输尿管囊肿以及输尿管囊肿合并严重泌尿系感染者,可先行经尿道内窥镜囊肿切开术。

Ureteroceles in children (report of20 cases) YE Hui ,LIANGTingchen ,ZHANG Ying ,et al .Department of Surgery ,CapitalInstitute of Pediatrics ,Beijing 100020

Abstract Objective Toreview and evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of 20 cases of ureterocele in childrenencountered between 1990 and 1998. Methods All the medical documentswere reviewed and analysed. Results The accurate diagnostic rate ofultrasonography has been 75% and became 100% when combinedly used with IVU.Upper polepartial nephroureterectom was undertaken for 13 cases with concomitant duplication ofrenal pelvis and ureter,excision of the ureterocele with reimplantation of the ureter for5 cases and surgical unroofing for 1 and endoscopic incision for 1.Surgical interventionhas been successful in 19 out of 20,further surgical measures being not needed.In theother case after upper pole nephroureterectomy further excision of the ureter remnant andthe ureterocele was undertaken because of repeated attacks of urinary tract infection. Conclusions Ultrasonographycombinedly used with IVU is an important measure in the diagnosis of ureterocele.Upperpole partial nephroureterectomy or excision of the ureterocele with reimplantation of theureter is one of the major methods for treatment.Endoscopic incision of the ureteroceleshould be the treatment of choice for intravesical ureteroceles.


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