摘要 目的 了解北京地区老年妇女应力性尿失禁患病情况。 方法 被调查人群是从北京城区、郊区平原和郊区山区抽样得到的2783名老年人。其中老年妇女1 415人。调查采取问卷访问及体格检查相结合的方法。有869名老年妇女参加了体检。 结果 老年妇女应力性尿失禁患病率为29.0%,明显高于老年男性患病率(11.9%,P<0.01)。男女性老年人患病率均为农村高于城市,且随增龄而增高。从事重体力劳动者患病率明显高于轻体力及脑力劳动者。多次分娩、特别是超过6胎以上者患病率明显高于分娩次数少者,且随末次分娩年龄的增高尿失禁患病率逐渐增高(P<0.01)。在并存冠心病、慢性支气管炎、糖尿病、泌尿系感染、老年性阴道炎的老年妇女中,应力性尿失禁患病率明显高于无上述并存症者。妇科检查发现应力性尿失禁患者存在膀胱膨出、子宫脱垂的比率明显高于无膀胱膨出、子宫脱垂者。应力性尿失禁与吸烟及体重指数无关。 结论 避免长期腹压增高和减少分娩次数,是预防老年妇女应力性尿失禁的关键。
Prevalence ofstress urinary incontinence and the related factors in aged women
Jiang Ping* , LiuXianghong. * Xuanwu Hospital, Capital University of Medical Science, Beijing100053
Abstract Objective To investigate the prevalence ofstress urinary incontinence in the aged women in Beijing area. Methods Data were collected by home interview and physicalexamination from 2 783 residents aged 60 years or over, sampled from the urban, suburbanand mountain areas of Beijing. Of them, 1 415 were women. A total of 869 women underwentphysical examination. Results The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in theelderly women was 29.0%, much higher than that in the elderly men (11.9%, P< 0.01). The prevalence increasedwith aging in both men and women. People who did heavy manual work for most of their lifetended to have higher rate of incontinence than those who did light work or mental work.Women who had undergone multiple deliveries, especially as many as 6 deliveries, hadhigher prevalence as compared with those who had fewer deliveries, and the prevalenceincreased with the increase of age at the last delivery (P< 0.01). Elderly women with coronary heart disease, chronicbronchitis, diabetes, urinary infection, and senile vaginitis tended to have higherprevalence. Gynecological examination verified that women suffering from vesicocele weremore likely to have stress urinary incontinence. Analysis of other factors showed thatsmoking might have a negative correlation with incontinence. No correlation was foundbetween stress urinary incontinence and body mass index. Conclusions The key measures to prevent stress urinary incontinence inold women include less deliveries and avoidance of increased intra-abdominal pressure fora long period.
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