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http://www.100md.com 《中华实验和临床病毒学杂志》 1999年第3期
     王健伟 姜慧英 温乐英 屈建国 赵同兴 洪涛 100052 北京 中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所 中华实验和临床病毒学杂志 1999 0 13 3

    关键词:蓝舌病毒;L3基因;克隆;表达;杆状病毒 期刊 zhsyhlcbdxzz 0 论著 fur -->/info/meeting/meeting02.asp?keyword=微生物学


【摘要】 目的 通过高效表达,研究蓝舌病毒(BTV) VP3的功能,为后续BTV病毒样颗粒的装配作准备。方法 克隆出完整的BTV13 L3基因,将其插入杆状病毒表达载体进行表达。结果 获得了含有全长L3基因的克隆,VP3在昆虫细胞中得到了高效表达,表达蛋白占细胞总蛋白的10%~15%,VP3与VP7共表达可装配出BTV核心样颗粒。结论 在昆虫细胞中表达BTV VP3蛋白具有生物学活性,可用于BTV病毒样颗粒的装配研究。

Cloning and expression of bluetongue virus VP3 protein in insect cells

WANG Jianwei, JLANG Huiying, WEN Leying, et al.

    (Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing 100052)

【Abstract】 Objective To elucidate the biological activities of VP3 protein of bluetongue virus (BTV) expressed in insect cells and to assemble, in future, the BTV core-like particles.Methods First, full length of BTV13 L3 cDNA was constructed from 2 sequenced clones. The silver staining of the splicing region proved that the construction was correct. Then, a recombinant baculovirus expression vector pFB1BL3 was constructed to express the L3 gene in insect cells. Results BTV13 VP3 could be highly expressed in Sf-9 cells, the production could occupy up to 10%~15% of the total cell protein. Core-like particles could be observed after co-expression of the VP3 and VP7 in insect cells.Conclusion VP3 of BTV expressed in insect cells possesses biological activity and can be used to assemble BTV core-like particles.


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