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http://www.100md.com 《中华流行病学杂志》 1999年第5期
     凌斌华 庄辉 李奎 杨永芳 李盛 马为民 王跃民 凌斌华、庄辉、李奎 100083 北京医科大学微生物学系;杨永芳 云南省卫生防疫站;李盛 安徽医科大学;马为民 深圳市东湖医院;王跃民 青岛市疾病控制中心 中华流行病学杂志 1999 0 20 5

    关键词:输血传播病毒;聚合酶链反应;肝炎病毒非甲~庚型 期刊 zhlxbxzz 0 论著 fur -->


摘要 】 目的 了解不同人群输血传播病毒(TTV)的感染状况。方法 采用套式PCR法检测血清标本中TTVDNA,并对其中1株TTV的部分基因序列进行了测定。结果 不同人群TTVDNA阳性率分别为:正常体检人群10.3%,献血员43.7%,吸毒者15.6%,血液透析病人54.4%,妓女65.0%,慢性丙型肝炎病人25.0%,非甲~庚型肝炎0/11。结论 TTV在各类人群中均有较高的感染率。


Detection of transfusiontransmitted virus (TTV) in different populations of China

LING Binhua,ZHUANG Hui,LI Kui,etal.

Department of Microbiology,Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100083

Abstract Objective To investigate the prevalence of transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) in different populations of China. Methods TTV DNA was detected in sera collected from differentpopulations by nested PCR. Partial gene of a TTV isolate was directly sequenced. Results The prevalences of TTV in variouspopulations were as follows: 10.3% (31/301) in general population when receiving physicalcheckup; 43.7% (14/32) in blood donors; 15.6% (5/32) in intravenous drug addicts; 54.4%(6/11) in hemodialysis patients; 65% (13/32) in prostitutes; 25% (4/16) in patients withchronic hepatitis C. None of the 11 patients with non A-G hepatitis was detected TTV DNA.Conclusion Highprevalence of TTV infection was found in different populations of China.


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