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http://www.100md.com 《中华内科杂志》 1998年第12期
     陈顺存 钟淑卿 黎毅敏 徐远达 莫红缨 何为群 陈思蓓 钟南山 510120 广州呼吸疾病研究所 中华内科杂志 1998 0 0 12

    关键词:高血压,肺性;低氧;一氧化氮;精氨酸 期刊 zhnkzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 目的 探讨吸入一氧化氮(NO)加静注L-精氨酸对缺氧性肺动脉高压的作用。方法 用猪制成低氧性肺动脉高压模型,人工通气,插入Swan-Ganz导管和动脉导管监测血流动力学变化,在吸入低浓度NO(10~15 ppm)的同时静注50% L-精氨酸以及静注一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂,观察其对肺动脉高压的影响,测量呼出气中NO的含量,检测内皮素及肿瘤坏死因子α等在动脉血中的变化。结果 在吸入低浓度NO同时静注L-精氨酸能显著延长NO的降压作用时间(从5.0±3.6分钟延长至79.8±10.2分钟),TNFα的含量降低。对体循环血流动力学无影响。静注NOS抑制剂,使肺动脉压进一步上升,部分抵销了L-精氨酸的作用。结论 吸入低浓度NO加静注L-精氨酸,可显著延长NO降低肺动脉高压的作用。

Combination of nitric oxideinhalation with L-arginine injection in prolonging the effect of reducing porcine hypoxicpulmonary hypertension Chen Shuncun,Zhong Shuqing, Li Yimin, et al. Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Guangzhou 510120

Abstract Objective Toassess the effect of combined use of nitric oxide(NO) inhalation and L-arginine(L-arg)injection in reducingporcine hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Methods Eight pigs with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension either inhaled NO(10~15 ppm) alone for 15 min or inhaled NO plusintravenous injection of L-arg (10 g). Hemodynamic parameters and concentration of exhaledNO were recorded. Plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α,endothelin (ET)-1 and nitric oxide synthetase in tissue were also assayed. Results NO inhalation significantly decreased the mean pulmonary arterialpressure, but the effect lasted only 3~5 min afterstopping inhalation. Combined administration of L-arg did not decrease mPAP further, butsignificantly prolonged the inhibitory effect of NO inhalation on pulmonary hypertension(≥16 times ) as compared with inhaling NO alone. Plasma TNFα decreased after NO inhalation and L-arg injection(185.8±22.2 ng/Lvs 165.5±25.0 ng/L and 158.7±20.1 ng/L; P≤0.02),but ET-1 was not significantly changed. Conclusion With the inhalation of exogenous NO, supplement of NO substrate L-arg produced a synergetic inhibition effect on hypoxica-induced pulmonary hypertension.Meanwhile TNFα decreased, but further study is neededto know the mechanism.


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