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http://www.100md.com 《中华内科杂志》 1998年第9期
     侯芳 张永龙 郝凤兰 李家泰 100034 北京医科大学第一医院临床药理研究所 中华内科杂志 1998 9 37 9

    关键词:临床试验;细菌感染;头孢布烯;头孢呋辛 期刊 zhnkzz 0 论著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 进一步评价头孢布烯治疗细菌性感染的安全有效性。方法 采用随机对照开放试验方法。头孢布烯组200mg,口服;头孢呋辛组750 mg,静脉点滴;均为每12小时一次。疗程7~14天。结果 头孢布烯组及头孢呋辛组分别有66例及67例可评价疗效,两组有效率分别为87.9%及89.6%。本次观察共分离致病菌110株,细菌清除率分别为90.7%及89.3%。两组安全性评价分别为66例及70例,不良反应发生率分别为10.6%与10.0%。两组经统计学处理差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论 采用头孢布烯治疗急性细菌性感染安全、有效。

    A randomized controlled clinical study on ceftibuten and cefuroxime in thetreatment of bacterial infections Hou Fang, Zhang Yonglong, Hao Fenglan, etal. The First Hospital, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Beijing Medical University,Beijing, 100034

    【Abstract】 Objective Ceftibuten (Cedax) is athird-generation oral cephalosporins with broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. Theobjective of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ceftibuten in thetreatment of bacterial infections. Methods A randomized controlledclinical study of ceftibuten was conducted and the results were compared with those of cefuroxime. A total of 133 patients was enrolled in the study. 66 patients receivedceftibuten 200mg every 12 hours orally and 67 patients received cefuroxime every 12 hoursby intravenous infusion could be assessed for clinical efficacy. The duration of treatmentwas 7~14 days in both groups. Results The overall efficacy rates were87.9% for the ceftibuten group and 89.6% for the cefuroxime group, whereas the bacterialefficacy rates were 87.0% and 89.3% respectively. 110 strains were isolated from thepatients, the bacterial clearance rates were 90.7% and 89.3%, respectively. The adversedrug reaction was evaluated in 66 cases of the ceftibuten group and 70 cases of thecefuroxime group. The adverse drug reaction rates were 10.6% and 10.0%, respectively.There were no statistical differences between these two groups. Conclusion Ceftibutenwas effective and safe for the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections and urinarytract infections.


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