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http://www.100md.com 《中华肿瘤杂志》 1998年第6期
     朱康顺 胡国栋 梁文威 何炳均 黄志程 胡道予 510630 广州,中山医科大学附属第三医院放射科(朱康顺、梁文威、何炳均);同济医科大学附属同济医院放射科(胡国栋、黄志程、胡道予) 中华肿瘤杂志 1998 11 0 6

    关键词:肝肿瘤/药物疗法;植入药盒;放射学,介入性 期刊 zhzlzz 0 临床研究 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 探讨药盒在晚期原发性肝癌治疗中的临床价值。方法 无外科手术及动脉栓塞指征的82例晚期原发性肝癌,依据动脉内化疗方式不同,分为两组:A组42例,采取经皮经股动脉植入药盒,术后经药盒1周或2周化疗1次;B组40例,采取每个月1次插管大剂量化疗。结果 A、B两组有效率(CR+PR)分别为38.1%和15.0%(P<0.05)。A组6个月、1年、2年生存率分别为61.9%、28.6%、9.5%;B组分别为20%、5%、0%(P<0.01)。A组患者的生存质量明显改善,消化道反应、肝、胆、骨髓毒性均较B组低。结论 经药盒间断性化疗并配合地塞米松治疗晚期原发性肝癌可明显改善患者的生存质量,提高生存率。

Percutaneous transfemoralarterial implantation of drug delivery system for arterial infusion therapy of advancedprimary hepatic carcinoma Zhu Kangshun, Hu Guodong, Liang Wenwei, et al. Department of Radiology, The 3rd affiliatedHospital, Sun Yatsen University of Medical Science, Guangzhou 510630

【Abstract】 Objective To studythe efficiency of arterial infusion chemotherapy via drug delivery system (DDS) foradvanced primary hepatic carcinoma.Methods Hepaticarterial infusion chemotherapy was perfomed in 82 cases of primary hepatic carcinoma withno indication for operation or transarterial embolism treatment. The patients were dividedinto 2 group as follows: (1) Group A: 42 patients were treated intra-arterially once every1 or 2 weeks via implanted DDS. (2) Group B: 40 patients were treated through one bolusarterial infusion chemotherapy, once every month. Results The response rate (CR+PR) was 38.1% and 15.0% respectively in groupA and B (P<0.05); the 0.5-,1- and 2- year survivalrate was 61.9%, 28.6% and 9.5% respectively in group A, but 20%, 5%, 0% respectively ingroup B (P<0.01); Liver, biliary, gastrointestinaland bone marrow toxicity in group A patients was greatly lower than those in group Bpatients. Conclusion Intermittentarterial infusion chemotherapy via DDS significantly improves survival and quality of lifein patients with advanced primary hepatic carcinoma.

     【Subject words】
【Subject words】 Liver neoplasms/drug therapy Catheters, indwelling Radiology,interventional

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