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http://www.100md.com 《中华皮肤科杂志》 1999年第1期
     /doctitle>余碧娥 田润梅 魏明辉 余碧娥 田润梅 魏明辉(200040 上海医科大学华山医院皮肤科) 中华皮肤科杂志 1999 0 32 1 皮炎;特应性 皮肤病学 期刊 zhpfkzz 0 论著 fur



摘要 目的 了解近10余年来,成人期(≥15岁)特应性皮炎(AD)患者在临床表现方面的变化。方法 随机选择90年代中期(A组)和80年代初期(B组)成人期AD共323例,进行观察、比较。结果 两组的皮疹形态均以湿疹型和苔藓样型为主的皮损较多见,痒疹型较少(A组4.9%,B组2.5%)。A组湿疹型(49.4%)比苔藓样型(45.7%)稍多;B组湿疹型(39.1%)少于苔藓样型(58.4%)。两组的皮疹分布较多表现在四肢,且皮疹范围<体表面积25%者为多。两组在皮损形态、分布和范围等临床表现上无显著性差异。结论 近10余年中,成人期AD的临床表现虽无显著改变,病情大多较轻,但对湿疹型患者的增加趋势需引起注意。选择正确的治疗方法是防止AD病情加重的措施之一。

Dynamic Analysis on the Clinical Features ofAdult Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

YU Bi-e, TIAN Runmei, WEI Minghui. Department ofDermatology, Huashan Hospital,Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200040

Abstract Objective Toinvestigate the variation of clinical manifestations in adult patients with atopicdermatitis (AD) in the past decade. Methods 323 AD adult patients wereincluded in this study and they were divided into two groups. Group A(162 cases) werediagnosed in the mid 1990s;and group B(161 cases) in early 1980s. The patterns,distrbution and the areas involved of skin lesions were studied, respectively. Results The eczematous and lichenified lesions were predominant in both groups. In group A,theeczemtous lesions (49.4%) were more than the lichenified lesions(45.7%); but in groupB, the latter (58.4%) was more than the former (39.1%). The lesions distributed moreon the extremities, and the areas involved were less than 25% of the body surface. Therewere no statistical differences in the clinical manifestations between two roups. Conclusion Therewere no variations in clinical manifestations of adult AD in the past decade, the clinicalcourse was rather mild, and the eczematous lesions slightly increased.


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