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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 2000年第1期

     傅颖媛 杨慧 曾小平 张志 曹勇 傅颖媛(江西医学院(330006));杨慧(江西医学院(330006)); 曾小平(江西医学院(330006)); 张志(江西医学院(330006)); 曹勇(江西医学院第一附属医院) 中国烧伤创疡杂志 2000 0 0 1

    关键词:白念珠菌;IgY;烧伤;预防 期刊 zgsscyzz 0 9-11 专题研究 fur -->


摘 要:目的: 探索白念珠菌特异性IgY对烧伤鼠继发感染白念珠菌的预防作用。方法: 自烧伤继发感染白念珠菌病人创面分离出的白念珠菌免疫蛋鸡,并将从该鸡产的蛋中分离出提取的特异性IgY用于烧伤感染白念珠菌大鼠。结果: 特异性IgY能明显抑制烧伤鼠创面(痂下组织)继发感染白念珠菌,与对照组比有显著性差异。结论: 白念珠菌特异性IgY有助于烧伤鼠预防白念珠菌的继发感染

Experimental Study of the Effect ofSpecific IgY on Preventing Burned Rats from Secondary

    Infection of Candida Albicans

Fu Yingyuan, Cao Yong, Yang Hui, et al.

    (Dept. of Immunology, Jiangxi Medical College, Nanchang 330006)

Abstract: Objective: Toinvestigate the effect of specific IgY on preventing burned rats from secondary infectionof candida albicans. Method: The specific IgY against candida albicans was extracted fromthe yolk of eggs laid by the hens immunized by candida albicans isolated from burnedpatients with secondary infection of candida albicans. Burned rats infected with candidaalbicans were divided into 2 groups. Rats in one group were treated with IgY and rats inthe control group were treated with saline. Results: Compared with the control group, thespecific IgY was effective for preventing secondary infection of candida albicans in rats.The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. Conclusion: SpecificIgY is effective for preventing burned rats from secondary infection of candida albicans.


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