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http://www.100md.com 《中国超声医学杂志》 2000年第4期
     黄进 李文伦 张明荣 张华民 李莉 王春光 王桂荣 颜云 261041 山东省潍坊市人民医院超声科 中国超声医学杂志 2000 0 16 4

    关键词:经直肠超声;经会阴穿刺药物治疗;前列腺炎 期刊 zgcsyxzz 0 304-306 临床研究 fur -->


摘 要 目的:探讨经直肠超声(TRUS)引导经会阴穿刺前列腺内药物注射治疗慢性前列腺炎的理想效果。方法:将70例患者随机分为A、B两组,A组口服及静脉应用抗生素,共20例。B组在TRUS引导经会阴穿刺前列腺,内注射抗生素、强的松龙、利多卡因,共50例。每隔10天治疗一次,3次为一疗程,对其疗效进行评价。结果:A组治愈2例(10%),有效7例(35%),无效11例(55%)。B组治愈46例(92%),有效4例(8%),无效为零。结论:TRUS引导经会阴穿刺注射药物治疗慢性前列腺炎是一种有效的、治愈率高的理想的治疗方法。

Transperineal PunctureDrug-injection in Treatment of Prostatitis under Transrectal Ultrasound Guidance

Huang Jin,Li Wenlun,Zhang Mingrong,etal

    Dept.Ultrasound,Weifang Peoples Hospital Shandong 261041

ABSTRACT Objective:To explore theeffect of transperineal puncture(TPP)drug treatment of prostatitis under transrectalultrasound guidance.Methods:Gruop A,20 cases were treated with antibiotics by PO anddripping.Group B,50 cases were treated with prednisolone,antibiotic and lidocaine byTPP.Results:In group A,the cure rate was 10%,the alleviation rate was 35% and ity ratewas 55%.In group B,the above mentioned rates were 92%,8% and zerorespectively.Conclusion:TPP drug injection treatment of prostatitis is safe and effective.


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