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http://www.100md.com 《中国超声医学杂志》 2000年第9期
     吕岚 张家志 陈进 吕岚 陈进(南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院超声诊断科 南京市,210008);张家志(江苏省江宁县秣陵卫生院) 中国超声医学杂志 2000 0 16 9

    关键词:高分辨率超声显像;老年性白内障 期刊 zgcsyxzz 0 704-707 临床研究 fur -->


摘 要 目的:探讨超声检查对老年性白内障的诊断价值。方法:应用高分辨率超声诊断仪及眼科裂隙灯分别对86例(124眼)老年性白内障晶状体进行对比分析。结果:老年性皮质性白内障初起期超声检查假阴性占18.18%,敏感性不如裂隙灯检查。膨胀期、成熟期、过熟期超声的检出率可达到100%。超声特点为:晶状体厚度增大,囊膜不光滑增厚呈“圈型”、“环状”,浅、深层皮质均见强回声光点分布或呈层状强回声分布,核中心部变小,直到消失呈“光团型”。后囊下白内障超声显像类似于皮质性白内障膨胀期。结论:高分辨率超声诊断仪对老年性白内障晶状体病变的敏感性与眼科仪器裂隙灯相似,且对眼球内部结构了解优于裂隙灯检查。超声可作为诊断老年性白内障的常规手段。

The Diagnostic Values ofUltrasonogragphy for Senile Cataract

Lu Lan Zhang Jiazhi Chen Jin

    (Nanjing Gulou Hospital,Nanjing University School of Medicine,Nanjing 21008 China)

ABSTRACT Objective:To evaluate thediagnostic value of ultrasonography on the senile cataract.Methods:High resolving powerultrasound diagnostic apparatus and slit-lamp were used to analyze the features of 86senile cataract cases(124eyes).Results:In the initial period of senile corticalcataract,the false negative ratio of ultrasonography is 18.18%,the sensitivity is lowerthan that of slit-lamp.In the period of ectatic cataract,mature cataract or hypermaturecataract,the relevant ratio of ultrasonography is 100%.The main ultrasonic featuresmanifested were diffuse thickening of the lens and the capsule membrane,the capsulemembrane unsmooth in “ring” shape,enhanced echo area in superficial or deep corticesand reduced or disappeared of the core of lens.The ultrasound images of posterior capsulecataract were similar to that of ectatic period of cortical cataract.Conclusions:Theultrasonography diagnosis sensitivity of senile cataract was similar or superior toslit-lamp.


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