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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2005年第6期
     【摘要】 社区卫生服务机构在我国迅速发展,卫生部门在尝试实行“双向转诊”中出现了社区卫生服务机构只有转出而很少有转入的现象。要实现“双向转诊”,特别是大医院中进入康复期的病人向社区转诊是促进社区卫生服务迅速而良性发展的关键。本文就如何实现真正意义的“双向转诊”提出了针对性的对策。

    关键词 社区卫生服务 双向转诊 对策

    Ponder on some countermeasure against the problem during dualreferral in community healthy service

    Zou yuhua,Huang yongshun,Huang yun

    The school Public Health,Pharmacological College of Guangdong,Guangzhou 510240.

    【Abstract】 Community healthy service(CHS) is developing rapidly in our country.But in the process of dual referral,there are more community referrals up to hospital than hospital does so.In order to put dual referral into effect,it’s crucial that the appropriated patience should be given referral down to the CHS.And there are several countermeasures suggested to better dual referral.

    Key words community health service dual referral countermeasure

    目前我国部分城市的“双向转诊”机制仍处于探索阶段,存在的主要问题有:(1)转上不转下;(2)重形式不重实质;(3)一体化程度低;(4)缺乏统一的标准、制度和监督机制;(5)社区卫生服务的职能没有得到充分落实;(6)转诊的局限性等[1]。社区卫生服务机构由于受本身医务人员水平、各种硬件设备及技术水平的限制 ......

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