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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代护理学杂志》 2005年第12期
     【摘要】 目的 通过对上海地区部分护士对循证护理的认知现状的初步调查与分析,探讨推行循证护理的对策。方法 对上海市5所三级甲等医院、2所二级甲等医院、1所一级甲等医院的216名在职护士进行问卷调查,内容包括护士对循证护理的知晓现状、循证护理的实践运用现状及阻碍因素等。结果 各级医院的在职护士对循证护理的知晓现状及实践现状不尽如人意。结论 要推行循证护理,必须要做到:更新观念,树立循证护理意识;提高认知水平,加强在职培训和自主学习,充实护理教育内容;争取管理部门重视和行政支持;建立循证护理的研究机构。

    关键词 循证护理 知晓度

    Nurses' awareness of evidence-based nursing in Shanghai:a pilot survey

    Zou Jian,Ye Xuchun,Xue Jindi,et al.

    Department of Outpatient in Putuo Clinical Medical College,Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200062.

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the countermeasures of putting evidence-based nursing into practice through a pilot survey of nurses' awareness of evidence-based nursing in Shanghai.

    Methods 216 nurses from 5 hospitals in Level 3(Class A),2 hospitals in Level 2(Class A) and 1 hospitals in Level 1(Class A) in Shanghai were concluded in a pilot survey,which is focusing on the nurses' awareness,the practice status and the obstacles of evidence-based nursing.Results The nurses' awareness was not high in all level's hospitals.Conclusion To push the evidence-based nursing into practice ......

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