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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代外科学杂志》 2005年第13期
     【摘要】 目的 通过对238例内瘘患者的总结,探讨更好的血透患者的内瘘手术方法及并发症的治疗。 方法 总结我院从1998年至今实行的内瘘手术238例,分别采用钛轮钉和显微外科血管吻合术建立动静脉瘘。手术部位多位于前臂桡侧腕横纹上3~5cm或鼻烟窝处将头静脉与桡动脉作端端或端侧吻合,前臂尺侧腕横纹上贵要静脉与尺动脉端侧吻合。比较各种类型的内瘘的成功率和并发症发生率。 结果 显微外科血管吻合术制作的内瘘成功率高,并发症少,6年的内瘘通畅率达90%以上。 结论 采用动静脉直接吻合制作内瘘是建立血透患者血管通路的良好方法。

    【关键词】 终末期肾病;血液透析;内瘘

    Management of postoperative complication of vascular access for hemodialysis

    LI Hai-chao,WANG Jin,WEI Xiu-ju,et al.

    The Third Hospital of Datong,Datong037008,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To achieve appropriate method for making arteriovenous fistula and treating the access com-plication.Methods We summarized238cases of arteriovenous fistulae performed on end-stage renal disease(ES-RD)patient by direct arteriovenous anastomosis and wheel nail connect.Most of the end(vein)-to-side anastomosis or end-to-end anastomosis were chosen between the radial artery and the cephalic vein on forearm.Occasionally end-to-side anatomosis or end-to-end anastomosis was done between the dorsal artery and the saphenous vein.Results The arteriovenous fistulae could supply enough blood flow and had less complications.Effectiveness of suc-cessful fistulae after6years was up to92%.Conclusion Direct arteriovenous anastomosis to fistulization is the best method for ESRD patient.End-to-side anastomosis should be the first choice because it can supply enough blood flow during hemodialysis and keep free circulation of the blood. ......

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