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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2005年第8期
     【摘要】 本文论述了医院公关活动的方法,一是医院获得信任的艺术,包括与医生、护士的关系,及时向医护人员通报情报,树立医院自身特点的公众形象;二是医院公关的四个步骤,包括公关问题的确定、公关计划与方案的设计、公关活动的实施和公关活动的评估。

    【关键词】 公共关系;公关艺术;医院管理

    Art of hospital public relations in 21st century

    LIU Wen-hua.

    359th Hospital of PLA, Zhenjiang 212001,China

    【Abstract】 This article discusses the methods of hospital public relations action

    .Firstly,it is the art that the hospital gain the confidence,including the relations to the doctors and nurses,noticing the information in time to the staff and creating the public image of hospital’s own characteristic.Secondly,it is the four procedures of hospital public relations,including the definition of public relations issues,the design of public relations plan and project,the practice and the evaluation of public relations action.

    【Key words】 public relations;art of public relations;hospital management

    公共关系是指通过传播手段建立公众的联系 ......

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