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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2005年第8期
     【摘要】 本文指出图书馆建立医学信息网是开展现代信息服务的必然趋势。阐述建立医学信息网的目标、意义以及网站的功能设置,分析网站的运行环境及技术特点,提出应搞好培训,掌握技巧,提高服务效果,完善网站功能,为医院医教研提供网上优质服务。

    【关键词】 医院图书馆;网络;信息服务

    Establishing medical information network and extending new service space

    TAN Hong-bo,XU Xu-dong,LIU Yu-xiu,et al.

    General Hospital of Nanjing Military District,Nanjing 210002,China

    【Abstract】 This article points out establishing information network is the inevitable tendency for library to launch modern information service.It also interprets the aim and significance of the establishment and the function settings of the network,analyses the operation environment and technological properties.At the end it puts forward the conception of enhancing the function of the network,little by little improving the effects of the service,extending new information service space.

    【Key words】 hospital library;network;information service

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