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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代妇产科学杂志》 2005年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨对14~18周妊娠几种不同引产方法的效果。方法 将150例妊娠14~18周自愿要求终止妊娠者随机分成A、B、C

    3组,即利凡诺组、米非司酮联合米索前列醇组、米非司酮加用利凡诺组,观察各组的引产效果、宫缩发动时间、宫缩到胎儿排出时间、引产出血量等情况。结果 对于14~18周中期妊娠者,单独用利凡诺引产,较米非司酮联合米索前列醇、米非司酮加用利凡诺引产效果差;米非司酮加用利凡诺引产,其引产效果最好,且引产时间最短;三种引产方法出血量差异无显著性。结论 对于14~18周中期妊娠者,使用米非司酮加用利凡诺引产,可缩短引产时间,增加引产有效率,引产效果最好。

    【关键词】 中期妊娠;引产;米非司酮;米索前列醇;利凡诺

    Clinical analysis on several different methods of induced labor of 14~18 week pregnancy

    ZHOU Qiu-xia.

    Maternal and Infant Healthcare Institute of Baoan District,Shenzhen 518100,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To probe into the effects of several different methods of induced labor of 14~18 week pregnancy.

    Methods To divide randomly 150 women of 14~18 week pregnancy who volunteer to cease conception into three different roups:A,B and C,namely group by rivanol,group by mifepristone combining with misoprostol,and group by mifepristone plus rivanol,and observe the induction effect,time of commencement of uterine contraction,time from uterine contraction to fetal discharge,and quantity of bleeding on induced labor,etc.Results For medium-term pregnancy of 14~18weeks,induced labor solely by rivanol poorer effect than that by mifepristone combining with misoprostol and by mifepristone plus rivanol;induced labor by mifepristone plus rivanol has the best effect,and moreover with the shortest time of induction;there is no conspicuous difference respecting quantity of bleeding amidst the three different induction methods.Conclusion For medium-term pregnancy of 14~18 weeks,induced labor by mifepristone plus rivanol can shorten the time of induced labor and increase effective rate of induction,with the best induction effect. ......

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