【摘要】 目的 通过健康教育,提高患儿及家属对人工耳蜗植入的认知能力,积极配合手术的顺利进行及术后的康复训练,以最大程度地改善患儿的听力,提高语言能力。方法 制定健康教育计划,采取家属、患儿中心一体化的教育方式。结果 20例患儿及家属均能积极配合术前、术后的听力和言语训练。结论 人工耳蜗植入过程中应用健康教育,能提高患儿及家属对术前训练和术后康复的认识,获得更好的听力、语言康复效果。【关键词】 健康教育;人工耳蜗植入术
Health education in cochlear implantation
CHEN Hong-jie,YAN Han,HAN Xiao-qing.
Peking University Shenzhen Hospital,Shenzhen 518036,China
【Abstract】 Objective Parent’ s understanding for the disease can be improved through health education cooperating the artificial cochlear implantation and postoperative rehabilitation training,which promoting children’s auditory verbal abilities as possible.
Methods To setup the health education plan and mode for hearing impaired children,combining with parents and rehabilitation center.Results All the parents for 20 samples can cooperate the preoperative and postoperative auditory-verbal training and the hearing -impaired children have improved their auditory-verbal abilities.Conclusion Using health education can help hearing impaired children get better rehabilitation effect during artificial cochlear implantation,through improving parents’s cognition of preoperative training and postoperative rehabilitation. ......
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