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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2005年第1期
     摘 要:目的:探讨微量催产素静脉滴注在产科上的应用效果。方法:对156例妊娠高血压综合症、胎膜早破、过期妊娠、促宫颈成熟应用微量催产素静脉滴注治疗产前疾病。结果:经临床试验统计显示,胎膜早破、促宫颈成熟效果良好,成功率达100%,过期妊娠、妊高征效果次之,其成功率分别为92.45%、80.77%。结论:微量催产素在产科上的应用效果良好,缩短了产程,提高了计划分娩成功率,降低了剖腹产及围产儿病死率。此疗法是产科疾病行之有效的治疗方法。

    关键词: 微量催产素; 静脉滴注; 促宫颈成熟; 妊高征; 过期妊娠

    Analysis of 156 obstetrical cases injected by microoxytocin

    WANG Qing-xiang

    (Laiyang Central Hospital of Yantai, Shandong Yantai 265200, China)

    Abstract:Objective:To explore the effection of the microoxytocin in obstetrieal.Method:156 case including hypertension of pregnancy、 preterm labour 、labour induction, Promoting maturation of uterine cervix were treated with microoxytocin.Result:The clinical test show the treat effection of preterm labour and promoting maturation of uterine cervix was proficent, the rate of success was 100%. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.Conclusion:Microoxytocin had a proficient effect on obsterice. it can reduce the labour time and the death rate of infant, can increase the success of plan labor. It was an effective treating method. ......

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