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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2005年第2期
     摘 要:目的:探讨小切口化学性胆囊切除的护理特点,为其推广应用作准备。方法:通过总结23例小切口化学性胆囊切除术前、术后的护理特点,以及术后并发症的观察作分析。结果:化学性胆囊切除全部均治愈出院,除2例术后出现腹痛外,其余均未发现有其它并发症的发生。术前充分细致的护理准备及术后严密观察病情变化,精心护理是治疗成功的基础和保障。结论:小切口化学性胆囊切除术的护理有别于小切口胆囊切除和腹腔镜胆囊切除。

    关键词: 小切口; 化学性胆囊切除; 护 理

    Nursing Care of Minilaparotomy Chemical Cholecystectomy

    WU Li-e SUN Shu-ming LIU Wan-xiu WENG Hui-lan

    (First Affiliated Hospital, Shantou University Medical College, Guangdong Shantou 515041, China)

    Abstract:Objective: To verify nurse characteristic of minilaparotomy chemical cholecystectomy , in order to preparative popularize in clinic.Method: Analyse nursing care characteristic preoperation and postoperation, and complications after operation through summarize 23 cases minilaparotomy chemical cholecystectomy.Result: All the minilaparotomy chemical cholecystectomy are cure successes and leave hospital ......

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