The Comparison of the Total Anthraquinones Content in Different Parts of Rubia cordifolia L. Before and After Charcoal
ZHANG Zhenling, SHI Yanbang, ZHOU Yan
(Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, Henan 450008, China)
Abstract:Objective:To compare the total anthraquinones content in different parts of Rubia cordifolia L. in different degree charcoal and to offer reasonable experiment basis for establishing reasonable preparation technology and quality index.Methods:Acid hydrolysis, base display color and colorimetric method.Results:The content of anthraquinones is high. in thin Rubia cordifolia L. Its content decreases after parching into charcoal. With the temperature going up, the content reduces obviously.Conclusion:When cut Rubia cordifolia L. medicinal slice, we should distribute different parts. When parch it into charcoal, we should control temperature and time. ......
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