Study on the Antimicrobial Activities of Milpa Alta Extraction for Bacterial Skin Infection
SUN Haiyan, ZENG Jingzhuan, WEN Jinmei
(Department of Applied Biological Engineering, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China)
Abstract:Objective:To study the antimicrobial activties of Milpa Alta extraction for bacterial skin infection.Methods:Effective components of Milpa Alta were extracted and the antimicrobial activities,minimum inhibition concentration(MIC)were studied.Results:The results showed that the extraction of Milpa Alta can obviously inhibit the growth of the Staphylococcus aureaus、 Hemolytic B Streptococcus、 Proteus species、Bacillus subtilis、Bacillus cereus、Staph.Epidermidis、Escherrichia coli andP.aeruginosa.Conclusion:The research can provide an experiment basis for reasonable use of Milpa Alta in medical industry. ......
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